Exhibitions & Projects

Exhibitions & Projects

River North Design District Gallery Walk in collaboration with Honsen Interiors at 210 Design House, beginning September 6, 2024

Colour Rush, at Poimena Gallery, Launceston, Tasmania, March, 2025

Recent interview:
UPPERCASE #60, multi-colour, January/February/March 2024, pages 60-61 and backcover

Represented by:
Kathryn Markel Fine Arts
and IdeelArt
Artist collaborator with Art Story

Negotiation 1, DETAIL, 30H x 34L in., acrylic on canvas | IdeelArt

In a compositional language of maximalism my work reflects our abundant access to information and entertainment that is at once the privilege and burden of contemporary life. The era of social media and rabid consumption of streaming content has amplified the 24 hour news cycle. Intensified political divisions, the pandemic, and my own aging further raise the stakes in the constant decision making of daily life. In order to function effectively with some agency, amusement, and aplomb I approach as a negotiator.